5 Things to Know About CBDV | Bona Voluntate

1. CBDV Is A Very Rare Cannabinoid

In contrast to the well-known cannabinoids, tetrahydro (THC) as well as cannabidiol (CBD) which are plentiful in Cannabis plants, CBDV Bulk is known as an extremely rare, or even small, cannabinoid that is usually found in tiny amounts in unmodified strains of Cannabis.

2. CBDV Is Non-Intoxicating

CBDV is a rare, non-toxic cannabinoid. Furthermore, CBDV Wholesale demonstrated a good safety test during human trials without adverse side effects being reported, even at the highest doses that were tested.

3. CBDV Is A Cannabinoid Receptor That Interacts With A Variety Of Receptors

The scientific literature suggests that CBDV Bulk is an agonist for TRPA1, TRPV1, and TRPV2 receptors. It is an inverse agonist of GPR6 and an antagonist of GPR55. CBDV could act as an inhibitor of the production of endocannabinoid 2AG.

4. CBDV Is Among The Rarest Cannabinoids That Have Been Researched

CBDV Wholesale is being studied to determine its anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, and neurological effects. CBDV Bulk has been the subject of research in epilepsy, autism acne, alopecia nausea, inflammatory bowel diseases, and discomfort.

5. CBDV Is Being Investigated In Clinical Trials

There is currently no official approval for CBDV Wholesale for use in the treatment of any illness, but CBDV is being investigated in clinical trials with humans to determine its possibilities for therapeutic use, such as the autism spectrum, alopecia, Prader-Willi Syndrome, and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


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